With DocuSign, recipients of a document click a link to open the documents on an internet-enabled device (like a mobile phone, tablet, or computer). Tabs and simple instructions guide the user through the signing process, even adopting an electronic signature. The recipient clicks Finish to save the signed document.
How does it Work?
Customers who are required to sign documents through DocuSign receive an email request for signature. When clicking on the link to sign, you are provided instructions to sign the document. Upon completion, you are presented the opportunity to create an account to track the document through the signature workflow.
If you create an account, DocuSign recognizes that the University of Louisiana at Lafayette “owns” the domain and you are redirected to logon with your ULID and password through the University single-signon(SSO). When you are authenticated through SSO, an account is provisioned in the DocuSign system and you are given a VIEWER account. A VIEWER account can only view/sign documents, where signature is requested and view historical information on previous signatures that have been provided by you.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Travis Frank ( or Kristi Montet (