Full-Time Employee/Teaching Assistant or Graduate Assistant Access
If the employee is paid by HR, access is to be requested by the supervisor or department sponsor via DOORREQUESTFORM.
If the Teaching Assistant/Graduate Assistant is not paid by HR or does not appear via DOORREQUESTFORM, the supervisor or department sponsor should email access@louisiana.edu with the following information:
Teaching Assistant/Graduate Assistant's full name
Teaching Assistant/Graduate Assistant's ULID
Details about the access needed, including the date for removal
Student Employee Access
Door access is to be requested via DOORREQUESTFORM by the student employee's supervisor.
Employee access is not removed unless it is requested by the department, the employee moves to another department at UL or the employee separates from the University.
Departmental Moves
If you transfer to a new department at UL Lafayette, a new DOORACCESSFORM will need to be completed for any access needed.