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ArcGIS for Desktop

ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst provides a powerful
suite of statistical models and tools for spatial data
exploration and optimal surface generation.

Current campus subscription allows us to offer the following features on our campus license:

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Campus Operator

Operator Services provides the public with information concerning the University, ensuring accuracy of call redirection for business and academic affairs, and provides Assistance in emergencies.

Office hours for Operator Services are from 7:30 AM through 5:00 PM on Monday through Thursday and 7:30 AM through 12:30 PM on Fridays.

To contact Operator Services, just dial 0# from any campus telephone. If you are calling from outside the University, dial (337) 482-1000.


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PC Repair 101

"Too err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer."

PC's are great for automating tasks, keeping you informed, and even providing a degree of entertainment.  But when they don't work, it can cause a level of frustration and stress never before seen on the face of the planet.  

Relax, we have you covered.  Below are a few tips and tricks you can use to try to straighten things out.  If all else fails, call the experts, we're here 2HELP!


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Video & Web Conferencing Rates

Currently, the rates for use of the video conferencing rooms are below.  The rates are broken down to cover various groups of individuals.  Please scan the list and determine which group you would fall into and you will find the appropriate charges.  If you have any questions, please call 482-6418.


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