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Software Center

Software center provides you with a means to install officially authorized software on UL Lafayette owned computers without the approval of a Network Administrator. Be aware that there will be minor cosmetic and title differences in different versions of Windows. 

For a list of current applications avaiable in software center, click HERE.

To access software center:

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ArcGIS for Desktop

ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst provides a powerful
suite of statistical models and tools for spatial data
exploration and optimal surface generation.

Current campus subscription allows us to offer the following features on our campus license:

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SAS Education Analytical Suite

The SAS Education Analytical Suite includes more than twenty (20) SAS products in a package exclusively available for educational professionals who want superior statistical/analytic tools.  The University of Louisiana at Lafayette has partnered with the SAS Institute to provide this software for our academic community. 

Licenses are available for individual faculty/staff computers for $100.00 per year per seat, and in computer laboratories (call for pricing).  In addition, ALL open-use STEP labs have the software installed and can be accessed by any student.

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