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PC Repair 101

"Too err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer."

PC's are great for automating tasks, keeping you informed, and even providing a degree of entertainment.  But when they don't work, it can cause a level of frustration and stress never before seen on the face of the planet.  

Relax, we have you covered.  Below are a few tips and tricks you can use to try to straighten things out.  If all else fails, call the experts, we're here 2HELP!


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Using a Switch in Residence Halls

Wireless routers are NOT allowed in residence halls.

The use of mobile hotspots is also strongly discouraged

The ability to share your cellular data plan with your laptop or other devices can possibly work great for you, but will cause immediate interference for other residents. It is also important to remember that others around you may connect to your cell phone and use your data bandwidth, which may end up costing you overage fees.

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Network Outage in Baker & Huger Halls

The Information & Media Networks department will be making changes to the data network infrastructure in Baker & Huger Residence Halls the week of June 3rd, 2013. 

Brief service interruptions could be experienced during this time.  This work will affect both wired & wireless data communications. 

These changes are necessary to bring higher speed connections to these two buildings. 

We expect all work to be completed by Friday, June 7th, 2013.

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Mobile Phone and Data Service


Wireless telephone service is available for state use under certain circumstances. It is important to understand the subscriber's requirements and know that monthly air service plans and coverage areas differ among wireless vendors.

There are criteria for user eligibility and an established approval process that MUST be followed before wireless telephone services are purchased or rented. The University is responsible for assuring that eligibility, approvals, usage, and billing are appropriate and correct.

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Network Enhancement

During the Fall 2010 STEP cycle, the STEP Council voted to fund two major projects that will have a significant impact on the University's network and the institution's ability to expand voice, data, and video services to the campus community.

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