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Register as a Guest

Welcome to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette!  We are happy to be able to offer wireless services to you.

As a guest you have a couple of options to register your device on our network and enjoy complimentary access to the internet.

If you have any questions or difficulties accessing the wireless system, please contact the IT Help Desk at 337-482-HELP (4357), or, or come by our office in Stephens Hall 110.

Register as Guest

  1. On the main registration screen click on the "Register" button. (main screen image)
  2. The next screen contains the Acceptable Network Use Policy and a few questions to answer.  (registerform image)
  3. When you check the "I agree to the Acceptable Use Policy" box and "Complete Registration" button you will receive a verification code at the cell number you entered in the form. (acceptable guest image)
  4. Enter the code you received on the next page in the "Verification Code:" box and click the "Complete Registration" button. (guestcomplete image)

Once complete you will be directed to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette homepage.

Register with Facebook

  1. On the main registration screen click on the "Register with Facebook" button (main screen image)
  2. Read through the Acceptable Network Use Policy, check the "I agree to the Acceptable Use Policy" checkbox, and click the "Register with Facebook" button. (acceptable use image)
  3. You may need to sign into Facebook to enable the completion of the registration. 

Once complete you will be directed to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette homepage.  


