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Tescan Scoring System

What is TESCAN?

TESCAN (TEet SCanning and ANalysis) is the name of the software program that analyzes data read by the Scantron machine.
University Computing Support Services coordinates the use of several Scantron machines. These machines, located in several buildings on campus, allow faculty to

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SMART Classrooms

Smart Classrooms, funded by the Student Technology Enhancement Program (STEP), is a template designed series of facilities. Each room is of the same design. All rooms contain the same equipment and use the same logical controls. STEP has funded these Smart Classrooms to serve the academic needs of students. The primary use of these classrooms is to focus on classroom presentation hardware and software.

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Video Conferencing

All video conferencing resources are scheduled through the IMN Media Services office, including classes for credit and non-credit, meetings, and other university-related activities. Three classroom facilities are available for University personnel; a fourth facility is available for public rental.

The video conferencing rooms, also called compressed video rooms, are used throughout the year by various departments to facilitate distance learning classes.

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